Gravel Quarry with Planning Permission – Property Sold

Property Type
Gravel Quarry with Planning Permission Heritable Title (Freehold) £POA Carnwath, Scotland, ML11 8LP.


Gravel Quarry, Woodend Moss, Carnwath, Scotland, ML11 8LP.

The subject property is located 3.4 km (2.1 miles) due north of the rural village of Carnwath, Lanark, South Lanarkshire. Glasgow lies approximately 25 miles north west of the property, and Edinburgh is approximately 22 miles north east of the property. The site is situated within the heart of the Scottish city of Glasgow. It faces the Glasgow High Court of Justiciary and has the City Union Railway Line running to the north west of the site. The site also has the Glasgow Green riverside park opposite across the street. There are a number of regular public transport services along the A8 Saltmarket/High Street, which is immediately to the east. These offer links to the wider city and surrounding are-as. To the south and east of the site is Glasgow Green and the River Clyde.


The subject site is situated in a rural setting. Open grazing land bounds the property to the north, north east and north west. Managed woodland bounds the property along the eastern boundary. There is a large peat extraction site situated directly south of the property. The western boundary of the property is delineated by Dippool Water (Burn). There are a few residential dwellings in the vicini-ty of the property, the nearest being 650 metres off the property’s northern boundary. A railway line is also situated 550 metres east of the property.

The site is irregular in shape and the total heritable area extends to 17.2 Ha (42.5 acres). Current min-eral extraction operations are situated in the southern half of the property. The northern part of the property is currently undeveloped and consists of rough marshy grassland.

Viewing & Further Information:

For further information or to arrange a viewing please contact Damian Short on 0161 359 4332 or by email [email protected]